Reviews from owners about BMW 318

In this section, you can find reviews from BMW 318 car owners. If you have experience with BMW 318 models, please share it with others by submitting a review through the comment form. It will be published immediately after moderation.

Reviews from owners about BMW 318

About the Model

BMW rightfully holds leading positions in the automotive market. In terms of the number of units sold, the company lags behind more mass-market competitors. However, when it comes to revenue from each car sold and overall income, the concern has almost no equals.

Cars of this brand have long been a dream for drivers worldwide. The interest in vehicles is immense. The company offers top solutions for cars of different categories. The reviews of BMW 318 only emphasize this thesis.

Review of BMW 318: Bullet

I have been owning this car for several years and I have no intention of changing it yet. My review of BMW 318 is exclusively positive. I have to cover 50-100 thousand km per year. The car has never let me down during this time.

The only serious drawback is the weak chassis. Compared to the fives and sevens from the Bavarian BMW concern, the BMW 318 is clearly inferior. I do not know the reason, but I can assume. Models from the «senior» lineup weigh more and cost more. They have higher status and prestige. The three series is more democratic. Perhaps the relatively low price affects the quality of the parts.

This is lyrical. In fact, every 2 seasons I consistently have to repair something in the chassis. It doesn't hit the budget hard, but it's getting annoying. In the future, I plan to change the car. I will go for a higher class.

In the review of BMW 318, I cannot fail to mention another downside — rear-wheel drive. It leads to a whole range of drawbacks:

  1. Got stuck in the snow a couple of times.
  2. Very strong skids on snowy or icy roads.

In any case, I advise driving more carefully. If the city maintenance workers do a poor job, it's better to look for something with all-wheel drive or front-wheel drive.

Reviews from owners about BMW 318

Now, onto the positives. The BMW has plenty of them. The car is perfect for driving enthusiasts:

  • quick acceleration;
  • precise handling;
  • excellent road stability due to good aerodynamics;
  • the melody of the engine.

For a family with children, I think it might be a bit small. But if you are buying strictly for yourself, you won't find a better option.

Now, the pressing issues. Many reviews of BMW 318 and other cars from the concern mention problems with repairs, the high cost of spare parts, and other joys. Over the years of owning a Bavarian car, I've noticed a couple of important points:

  1. Service stations for our brother «Bimmer» drivers really rip you off.
  2. With careful driving and timely maintenance (filters, technical fluids, etc.), no problems arise.

If you have the desire — go for it. You won't regret it for sure.

BMW 318: A Trusty Companion

I bought the car in 2008, drove it for 5 years, and then sold it. I also got another BMW, but a newer model. Overall, this «three» was my first car. I wasn't specifically chasing the brand when buying. I set a certain budget and searched for something that would captivate my heart within that price range. In the end, my heart didn't make a mistake.

I want to start the review of BMW 318 with a few minor downsides. There are 2 disadvantages for me:

  • low ground clearance;
  • rear-wheel drive.

Often, both of these downsides have to be felt together. Slipping on a snowy plain in winter is a common occurrence. The skidding is quite noticeable, so I don't recommend pushing the limits. It's not advisable to accelerate too much, even if the car has great winter tires.

Before buying the BMW 318, I drove my relatives' cars. So, right after the purchase, I felt an important plus. The car required no adaptation. I just got in and drove. Everything was intuitive and simple even for «green» drivers.

In the review, I want to highlight the sound of the engine separately. It's perfect. You can hear the engine working well even while driving. Overall, the sound insulation deserves a solid 5.

In the review of BMW 318, I also want to mention fuel consumption. It was about 13 liters per hundred kilometers in the city. I refueled once every 1-1.5 weeks.

I didn't encounter any major repair issues. Only routine maintenance and nothing more. The car, although old, held up well.

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