Replacement of engine oil in BMW, selection, timing, instructions

Timely oil changes in a BMW will help maintain the vehicle's performance, protect it from breakdowns, and reduce risks for the driver. What points should a driver consider?

Oil Change in BMW

What the regulations say and how often should oil be changed in a BMW engine

Automakers specify in the technical regulations how often drivers should change lubricants in a vehicle. Standard recommendations are mostly the same in most cases. BMW recommends oil changes every 10-15 thousand kilometers. However, in reality, drivers often have to visit service stations more frequently.

The frequency of oil changes depends on various factors. It is impossible to predict all of them. For simplicity, let's talk about the most important points:

  • fuel quality;
  • quality of lubricants;
  • driving style;
  • age of the car;
  • type of vehicle;
  • type of oil change conducted;
  • frequent idling;
  • poor air quality.

All these points require detailed analysis. This will help understand how often oil changes should be done in a BMW. Ultimately, drivers can save a lot of nerves and money.

Fuel Quality

Regulations regarding oil changes in the Bavarian concern are established when considering an ideal scenario. The quality of gasoline in Germany is higher than in Russia. Of course, it is not appropriate to baselessly accuse Russian fuel stations, but often, subpar fuel is sold at small gas stations.

Fuel may contain many sulfur compounds and other dangerous additives. When burned, coke is formed. It clogs the engine, leading to additional problems:

  1. Engine knocking.
  2. Power loss.
  3. Increased component wear.
  4. Higher fuel consumption.

Driving with a small analytical laboratory in tow is not an option. Moreover, fuel quality can fluctuate. Today, you may get perfect gasoline at a gas station, but tomorrow its chemical composition may not meet any standards.

Because of this, drivers often have to deviate from the regulations and conduct oil changes in BMW more frequently than planned. Naturally, it is better to visit a service station for scheduled maintenance than to later spend on repairs or a new engine.

Oil Quality

Drivers should also consider another important aspect. There is a lot of counterfeit oil in stores. Oil is manufactured in accordance with all standards and requirements at Russian plants. However, underground makeshift workshops do not bother with such things as following the technological chain.

Often, low-quality oil is made from used oil. It won't last long. Running the engine on such lubricant can lead to a number of serious problems.

Replacement of engine oil in BMW, selection, timing, instructions

The advice is simple. Drivers should constantly monitor the quality of the used oil. It is not enough to rely on a single measurement of the oil level. Oil changes in BMW should be done when:

  • there is a strange odor in the liquid;
  • a significant change in color is noticed;
  • solid particles are detected.

In any of the cases described above, the driver should immediately head to a service station. Driving on low-quality lubricants is not recommended.

Regular checks can significantly reduce the interval for oil changes. However, these checks must be conducted. Otherwise, a stingy and lazy driver will have to pay twice.

Driving Style

The most gentle driving style for a car is considered to be driving at 100-130 km/h on highways. Often, it is not possible to provide such operating conditions in principle. City driving involves constant starts and stops.

As a result, there is an increased load on the engine and lubricant. Additionally, some drivers have a love for rapid accelerations at traffic lights. Such a driving style overall does not help.

In fact, the oil change interval in BMW decreases. Drivers have to visit the service station more often.

Oil Change Interval in BMW and the Age of the Car

The older the car, the more attentively one should monitor the quality of the operation of the main units and components. However, it is important to note another crucial point. After purchasing a used car, one should visit a service station right away. It is not advisable to trust the previous owner blindly. An oil change in BMW should be carried out immediately after purchasing the car.

Type of Vehicle

When compiling regulations, manufacturers calculate certain ideal operating conditions. They relate to the car class and the possible range of applications. The logic of Bavarian engineers is quite understandable.

The concern's employees do not assume that convertible drivers will be stuck in city traffic jams during rush hours every day. They advise using golf-class cars for calm city driving, rather than speeding on highways at speeds exceeding 200 km/h.

Naturally, the greater the gap between expected and actual operating conditions, the more frequently oil changes in BMW are required.

Type of Oil Change for BMW Engine

Changing the lubricant is a simple task. However, even in this case, drivers make mistakes. Some drivers staunchly believe in myths about vacuum oil changes. In BMW, such an approach is considered erroneous.

Oil Change in BMW

Vacuum oil change differs from the regular method in the speed of operation. However, when using it, more used material remains in the power unit. It is also difficult to remove sediment accumulated at the bottom of the crankcase. The outcome is predictable. Over time, the vehicle performs worse and worse.

Experts generally advise against vacuum oil changes in BMW. They should only be used in emergencies. Moreover, it is desirable not to perform two consecutive changes of this type. Sometimes, it is necessary to let the used material drain naturally.

More: Replacement of oil sealing caps on BMW cars


Reducing oil change intervals is necessary when the vehicle operates for an extended period at idle. Under such operating conditions, the cooling system does not function as efficiently.

The result is inevitable. Elevated temperatures affect the lubricant, deteriorating its final quality. The chemical composition changes, and physical properties (viscosity and others) gradually decrease. As a result, engine wear increases.

Low Air Quality

Even a large amount of dust in the air can shorten the oil change interval in BMW. It is wrong to assume that filters can handle all solid micro-particles trying to penetrate the system. They get clogged quite quickly.

Bavarian engineers, when establishing regulations, are guided by the local specificity of use. There is significantly less dust on the streets in German cities compared to ours. Therefore, the concern's engineers recommend changing air filters every 60,000 km.

In Russian realities, these figures are unattainable. As a result, air filtration systems need to be changed much more frequently. Naturally, oil changes in BMW are also required just as often.

Driver's Advice

The figures specified in the car's regulations should only be used as rough guidelines. They do not reflect the actual situation. It is necessary to assess the current state of affairs and act accordingly.

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